Endless Voyage - 1 in English Fiction Stories by પ્રદીપકુમાર રાઓલ books and stories PDF | Endless Voyage - 1

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Endless Voyage - 1

Endless Voyage

Rise and fall of humanity


pradipkumar raol


prakash vaidya

Part - 1

Dt. 24/06/2035 TV NEWS TIME: 10:45am

Viewers were sitting before their TV sets in hope of seeing live-coverage of Prime Minister’s visit. News was constantly pouring out of the TV. When they were just about to get fed up of the bombarding of advertisements the News Anchor appeared to their relief.

“Indian PM, Prashant Kumar today arrived at Goa’s airport in the morning at 7:30 am, where, he was warmly welcomed by Goa’s Governor, CM and Other party leaders along with head of the Tsunami Warning Centre. Thereafter, he organized a political meeting with the local leaders. As per our last reports he had almost completed visiting nearby historical places of Goa. And now within a short period of time he is going to inaugurate Tsunami Warning Centre. At this point of time we will let know our viewers that huge amount money was spent in constructing this highly technically advanced center which is on par with the international standards. Let us take a small break, soon we will be back and show you the live coverage of inaugural ceremony in this heavenly place called Goa.”

Then, again the onslaught of the advertisements continued… After few more minutes the news anchor appeared on the TV screen: Dear viewers, soon we will bring you the live coverage, just wait for a few more moments. And before that, let me give you some interesting facts about his recent visit to America, Japan and Canada. Our PM was very much satisfied with this string of visits and was successful in strengthening the ties of friendship with these nations -that is what he had declared after his return. Now let us move on to our reporter Suresh Chaturvedi.

Suresh is seen standing at the Centre’s gate with a long mike in his hand. There were many security personnel, police and important dignitaries standing in wait for the prime minister to arrive.

TV screen is divided into two parts. In one part the News Anchor is seen and on the other part Suresh is visible.

“I think Suresh; the PM has not reached there yet”

“Yeah, Sunita he will arrive here in a matter of minutes.”

“Till then, will you let us know about the places he visited in Goa?”

“Sunita, as you know Goa is a region which is filled with abundant natural beauty; its finest beaches have always attracted the foreign tourists. To mention a few Kolwa beach and Dona Paula beach are most enchanting.

PM has visited these beaches in addition to few historical places, museum, and he spent some more time at the famous Idalkeo palace also.”

Hordes of cars rushed to the spot, and the noise of sirens filled the atmosphere. Suresh quickly moved out of their way but he continued speaking. “You can now see that….. (These scenes are visible on the screen). PM with some important dignitaries goes to the spot where the inaugural ceremony was to be carried out and then he is seen cutting the ribbon. Thereafter, he is seen entering the building, accompanying him is the head of the “Centre”. Everyone surrounding him also follow him.

“…Sunita, as you have seen just now that the inaugural ceremony is over and with this the nation has gained an important Tsunami center. Prime minister will now visit different departments of the center.”

“Thank you Suresh….. You please, stay there” (Suresh disappears from the TV Screen)

The anchor takes the charge. “India too has taken a giant step forward in the field of technology & science and has almost succeeded in becoming a superpower. Before we again go “live” let me inform you that PM’s recent tour of America, Japan& Canada had been very successful. During this visit he had discussed on different issues along with signing multitude of MOUs, only the time would tell about their implementation.

According to our foreign correspondent, issues such as Indo-US joint venture of establishing space-station, sending of space-craft to the planet Pluto, international terrorism, drug trafficking, and “Aliens special protection program” were discussed in detail. It is time for a short break, do not go anywhere, after the break we will bring you more interesting news of PM’s foreign tour, along with live coverage of Goa”

The “News Reporter” vanished from the screen and instantly several commercials started pouring out.

After few minutes of torturous onslaught of advertisements, News Anchor again appeared much to the relief of viewers. “Friends, we were talking about PM’s tour abroad, in the interesting facts of that tour let me inform you that our PM made it a point o remain present on the eve of birthday celebration of American President’s daughter miss Catherine. Moreover, he visited his own daughter Mayuri who had been included in the joint venture: Mission Pluto. He had also taken a short visit to “Vedic Yoga Centre” in New jersey, where he met several Hindu seers…”

Suddenly a strip of “breaking news” started running across the screen. Major accident to PM’s car…. Breaking News…Car accident…Fatal accident…Breaking News…

“Dear Viewers, we have just come to know that there has been a tragic accident with PM’s car. Now we will straight away go to our correspondent Suresh to know in detail about this drastic and unfortunate incident.”

Suresh is now visible on the screen. “Suresh what is the news? I mean what you do know about the accident?” There was urgency in her voice, may be artificial.

“Sunita, very depressing incident has happened…For few minutes his voice could not be heard, one can see only his lip movements. Then again the voice came back.

“As I have seen, after visiting different departments of the Tsunami Centre Prime Minister hurriedly started for the airport. Not much time has passed since then, and what I hear is the reports of his car having had an accident on the way to the airport. His car just toppled it seems, Sunita…”

“What is the situation out there? How is his condition?” TV anchor interrupted him in mocking haste.

“Sunita, lot of commotion and confusion is prevailing out here; there are rumors about possibility of a terror attack. But as far as I know there is no confirmation. And as per the last reports he had been shifted to the Government hospital’s ICU. He is under treatment there.”

“Do you know anything in particular or more I mean, Suresh…?”

“It is too early to say anything more about this unfortunate incident so I can’t tell you much about his latest condition”

“Thank you, Suresh, you please, be there.”

“Yeah, Sure”

“Viewers, what an unfortunate incident has happened with our leader! The PM earlier seemed so happy; his very successful visit of America, Japan and Canada…”

Can there be an end to the news, like dreams? Most of the viewers switched to other channels for more interesting ones. Their sensitivity had touched new low.
